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Victoria Secret – Havasi Lotus pad 1 pack


Victoria Secret Female Personal Care – For the Protection of Ladies!

Keeping in mind the physical characteristics and the body care of women, based on the principles of environmental health care we developed the “Victoria Secret Female Personal Care” product based on a scientific formula made in a bacteriologically pure laboratory.

Usage of this product during pregnancy is not recommended!

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1 pack contains 4 pads.


The pads are also packaged individually within the whole package.

The pads active ingredients absorb through the skin in a unique, exterior, non intrusive way, using the softness of the mucous membrane of the dam, and utilizing the blood circulation and absorption capacity of the peripheral capillaries.

It does not have to be pressed, only the pad must be placed in the underwear outside the vagina, so it can be used gently, easily, safely and comfortably and it lasts for 24 hours.

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 20 × 2 × 8.5 cm


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