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Victoria Vital male personal care 10 csomag


Personal care for men

For men, health is also very important, in particular the regular “maintenance” of the reproductive organ. For this, a convenient and safe solution is provided by Victoria Vital Cleansing Patch, containing over 42 herbs, including Havasi Lotus.

With regular use, all men will feel younger and stronger!

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The Victoria Vital Men’s Cleansing Patch is packed with 5 packets and boxes containing 6 packs, ie 30 pads.

Using the Victoria Vital cleansing patch, men’s vitality and self-confidence can return back.

The pad can be placed comfortably, easily and safely in the underpants.

During 24 hours of usage, the drugs are continuously absorbed through the mucous membrane into the reproductive system, thus providing natural care to men.

The Tibetan lotus is located at 3000 meters above sea level in the evergreen countryside and blooms every six years. The Tibetan lotus contains alkaloids, flavonoids, and more than 16 amino acids that support the immune system, remove or bind the free radicals that cause the body to refresh and rejuvenate.

The Tibetan lotus has been used in Chinese medicine for over 2000 years and is a treasured treasure of all imperial families.

According to ancient Chinese medicine, the Tibetan lotus greatly contributes to the maintenance of physical and mental strength.

Recommended time of use: minimum 1 month, during which time the Victoria Vital pads cleansing effect can be felt. Experience has shown that the condition of the prostate has improved a lot during 2 months of usage, and in the third month, everybody using Victoria Vital pad became much more fit, due to the greatly increased vitality.

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 20 × 10 × 8.5 cm

A tapaszban található gyógynövények tisztító hatása miatt idővel váladékozás léphet fel, ami egy “normális folyamat”. Ilyen esetben a tapaszt ajánlott még a 24 óra eltelte előtt kicserélni.


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